Instances that changed lives of people.
So, a few days back I shared a google form asking people to fill out instances from there lives which they think have affected their lives in some or the other way. Below I will share all the responses of the instances that changed the lives of people in some or other ways.
But first, I would really like to thank all of them for being so sweet and so generous for taking out a few minutes of their lives to fill the form. I really am thankful to each one of you from the bottom of my heart.
So, now without further adieu let’s see the responses by these amazing people.
1. JoJoHall (@JoJoHall16) from
jojoscupofmocha.com says :
” I would say when I studied abroad back in 2015. I met so many amazing people, saw so many beautiful places and scenery, it just gave me so much joy and pleasure to travel the world and make memories! ”
2. Jupiter Hadley (@Jupiter_hadley) from jupiterhadley.com says:
“When I was 18, I moved from the small-town USA to England, all by myself. Just got into a plane and moved, because I didn’t want to be stuck in a dead-end town that sucks everyone up with them. I wanted adventure and to travel the world. Since then, I have been able to visit Germany, Spain, Sweden, Romania, and many more, and I get to live in England. It’s been amazing.”
3. H Emma ( @hazloe3 ) from thextraordinarionly.com says:
” A 3-day leadership worship by John C. Maxwell completely transformed my life – I still remember two statements he made …
‘try fit a square peg in a round hole’
‘a pig cannot fly, no matter how long the runaway is’!
My signed copy of ‘Failing Forward’ has so many dog ears”
4. Samantha Lyon ( @yetanothermummy) from yetanothermummyblog.com says:
” When I was 18 months old, we moved abroad as a family and I lived my entire childhood overseas, mostly in Turkey. It definitely shaped me into who I am today. I’d have been a completely different person if I never had those experiences and met those people. ”
5. SM ( @mymindvoice2 ) from mymindvoice.com says:
“My father’s sudden death 6 years ago. It taught me not to take people in our life for granted.”
I am so sorry to hear about this SM.
Believe it or not, even the tiniest of the things that happen to us shape us and our lives. Sometimes it’s good sometimes it bad. But everything teaches us a lesson.
It is very important to be grateful for whatever we have. Because trust me many people don’t even have that.
Wake up every morning and thank god for this beautiful life that he has given you and thank him that you get to live one more day. Make the most of your life.
Everything will be fine. You will one day get everything you deserve. Don’t stress too much for little things. Live your life buddy.
Trust me. Living is an art and not everyone can do it. It’s a fact.
Just don’t worry about the future or stress about the past. Savor each moment as it comes.
Always remember that not all rich and successful people are happy.
So, these were some instances that changed lives. The instances listed by these amazing people have affected them in some or other way. I wish them all the luck with whatever they do.
Also, thank you all for reading this post. Do share your thoughts below. I would love to read them.’
Bye-bye till the next time we meet. Till then stay safe, stay happy, and live.
Wonderful post! I loved seeing everyone else’s thoughts and what occurred in their lives to make them happy.
Yes, it’s always nice to read about others life and learn from them. Thank you so much for sharing instance of your life as well.
A good collection of life instances.
Great post, it is good to see what impact change can have on our lives, especially when it is positive.
I lost my Mum 2 years ago tomorrow and it has without changed EVERYTHING. I miss her more than I thought possible but also it does change you’re outlook on life.
Thank you for sharing x
It’s amazing to look back and see the moments in our lives that have helped to build and shape us, isn’t it? I really enjoyed reading all the submissions that you received. It’s fun getting to know others like this. Thanks for sharing!
We do learn a lot from others experience and sometimes after hearing them our own pain seems a bit less.
This such a creative idea for a post! That’s a great question you asked and it’s fascinating to hear about everyone’s big instances in their lives, good or bad. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, and I can’t thank everyone enough for sharing their experiences.