motivation is everywhere around us
Inspiration / Motivation

Motivation is everywhere around us.

No matter how successful you are, there is always a time when you feel demotivated and you have nowhere to go. This happens with all of us. We become demotivated at a particular point in our lives and nothing can motive us during that time. We don’t know who will understand our problem but the thing to remember is that even if we have nobody to motivate us we can still find motivation. Motivation is really all around us.

How, you ask? Well even if you are sitting in your room you can seek motivation from your surroundings. Come let’s find out how.

1. Can you learn something from a fan?

Yes, you definitely can. Well, a fan can teach you to be able to operate at every speed. There are times when our pace of life slows down and during that time we wish to quit but as a fan, we should be able to operate on every speed. Also, sometimes taking a break is necessary but quitting is never the solution.

how can a fan motivate you

2. What can a cupboard teach you?

Interesting isn’t it? That even our messy cupboards can teach us something. Yes, even a cupboard can teach you so many things. There are times when all of our cupboards are a mess. Still, it stands no matter how many hardships are filled inside us we should always stay strong. Also, a cupboard can always be cleaned so can all the negativity from inside us.

3. Window..can you learn something from it?

Of course, you can. What, do you ask? well, through a window you can see the beautiful world that exists outside your room. So, try to be someone’s eye and show them the beautiful world that they can’t see themselves.

4. What can you learn from a door?

Well, always be open to positivity in life. And close the doors to your life for negativity, negative people, and hatred.

how can a door motivate you

5. Wall?

You know they say that walls have ears, ever heard walls responding? No, na? Like it make it a rule to not respond to people who hardly matter in your life and are there to only bring hatred.

Well, those were a few of the things which I thought one could learn from a room. Do share your thoughts on it and also tell me how do you keep yourself motivated.

Toodles, till the next blog post. Till then stay happy, stay positive, and always remember that motivation is all around us.



Natalie Barletta
29th July 2020 at 4:58 pm

I love this. This is so true. You can find motivation pretty much anywhere.

29th July 2020 at 5:35 pm

This is such lovely and inspirational post! It really makes you look at the world with new eyes. Thank you for posting!

Graham Crosby
29th July 2020 at 6:15 pm

A really original post. To he fan really made sense to me. Thanks for sharing!

29th July 2020 at 7:55 pm

This is REALLY freaking good, Toby. Finding life lessons in everyday object is absolutely brilliant. Bless you and your brilliant writer mind <3

29th July 2020 at 10:07 pm

That’s great positivity in everything

29th July 2020 at 10:38 pm

Now, this was definitely an interesting read! πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing. I love the part about the door.

30th July 2020 at 2:30 am

I love how creative and motivating this post is! Honestly I appreciate the shift in perspective, it’s actually helping me understand motivation in a different way as it applies to my life. Thanks for the enlightenment, this is wonderfully written!
xo Bri

30th July 2020 at 2:41 am

Such an interesting post! I love the one about the door. Open it to positivity, as soon as you can feel negativity coming to you, close it right away!

Thank you for this post and giving us ideas πŸ™‚


30th July 2020 at 4:17 am

Wow this is such a great and thought provoking post! I never really thought about how normal, everyday items can really inspire you and motivate you but you have done an excellent job here showing that they most certainly can. Thanks for sharing!

30th July 2020 at 4:30 am

Very lovely and well thought out post. So many things I have never thought as a form of motivation tool. I really love the cupboard one.

Thanks for sharing.

    1st August 2020 at 5:21 pm

    Thank you so much. Well, it’s all the mind. If we think that motivation is all around us then we will see inspiration even in the little things.

30th July 2020 at 2:28 pm

What a lovely way to think about things!

30th July 2020 at 3:22 pm

I love this post! I always find inspiration or motivation in the most random things and I think its a great way to live… even if people think i’m crazy for it haha x

Roni |

30th July 2020 at 4:32 pm

That’s a great post, simple and effective, very inspiring, love it.

30th July 2020 at 8:13 pm

An interesting, upbeat post! Thanks for sharing it!

31st July 2020 at 12:17 am

Great post! Lessons are everywhere… if you know to look for them πŸ™‚

31st July 2020 at 2:15 pm

Wow great post! Thank you for sharing! This is so true and something I’ve never thought about!

31st July 2020 at 3:01 pm

I love the idea of finding motivation with the things around us which we take for granted! Especially the idea of the fan and needing to acknowledge that we all need to take life at different speeds at times! I’ve just queued up a blog for 2 weeks time on finding time to slow down because I’m always in such a rush!

31st July 2020 at 9:56 pm

A++ for originality!
I think I won’t be able to help myself from analysing everything in the room when I get home!

    1st August 2020 at 5:13 pm

    Thank you so much. I try my best to write original content. Just don’t want to waste my readers time by writing something they might have already read.

    And yes motivation is really all around us.

    Thanks for visiting Interesting Reads. Have a lovely day.

1st August 2020 at 1:54 am

Yes, I totally agree with you. Every little thing in our lives can set as an example to motivate us. Especially the door, has a deep meaning on how it can transform our lives.

1st August 2020 at 2:41 pm

What a fab post! I’ve never thought of finding inspiration by using objects around the home like a door or window but it makes so much sense. Thank you for sharing.

7th August 2020 at 6:07 pm

Wow! I loved these. Especailly the fan!

7th August 2020 at 6:28 pm

What a fantastic way to practice mindfulness πŸ˜‰ I really enjoyed this article of yours!

8th August 2020 at 9:32 pm

A super fun article! I love your spin on motivation and what can be made motivating. Very interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing.

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