Environment / Life / Social Awareness

Delhi: A gas chamber

Today the chief minister of Delhi,Mr
Arvind Kejriwal,said that Delhi has turned into a gas chamber. Yes,this post is about Delhi and why does it becomes a gas chamber.

Because,the level of pollution is so severe that public health emergency has been declared in the Delhi-NCR region.

So,Who is to be blamed?

According to the reports, the rise in pollution has been due to the smoke from crop burning in the neighboring states of Haryana and Punjab.

But,Aren’t we responsible for this?

In addition to the above-mentioned reason other reasons due to which pollution is reaching at severe levels are:

1. The increasing population of the city due to which the environment is deteriorating.

2. There has been a huge rise in vehicular population in spite of metro and railways, which leads to traffic congestion.

3. Because of the improper disposal of waste.

4. Due to the industries: Out of the total number of industries present in Delhi-NCR, very few percentages of them are located in proper places. The majority of them are in residential areas.

5. Diwali holiday and other celebrations like marriage also bring a lot of air pollution from the celebratory fireworks.

6. Large scale construction in Delhi-NCR is another reason for this severe pollution.

So,now, What actions can be taken?

1. Get air purifiers, use a mask.

2. Immediate restrictions on vehicular movement.

3. Take precautions for respiratory diseases.

4. Try to stay indoors. Go out when it’s bright and sunny. Avoid going to areas with heavy smoke and dust.

5. Eat fruits that are loaded with vitamin c, magnesium and omega fatty acid.

What can we do to help reduce pollution?

1. By reducing vehicle movement. Opt for share rides and use metro or bus instead.

2. By making it mandatory for IT companies to provide ‘work from home’ for at least 10 days in a month.

3. Enforce environment laws for industry exhaust and people failing would have to give a huge fine.

4. Plant more and more trees. Use indoor plants for better air quality inside your home.

5. Avoid smoking.

6. Do not burn garbage.

It’s the duty of every citizen to control pollution. Because, as they say, charity begins at home, let’s take a pledge to do what we can for our environment and protect it to the best we can.
Images by DNA India

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Ashish Kumar
14th November 2019 at 3:32 am

Great ! Keep it up.

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