5 lies I grew up believing are true
Well, before I started using my brains I used to believe everything that was said by my teachers or my parents or anyone without researching it. So, today I want to share 5 lies I grew up believing are true.
Trust me once you start researching about things, you may one day discover that your whole life is a lie.
So, here are 5 things that I always thought were true. But, with time I discovered they are not. Maybe you could relate to a few of them. Do tell me in the comments if you did relate to any of them.a
1. Humans come from monkeys
Well, we think that Charles Darwin said that humans come from monkeys. But, the reality is that he never said it directly. In his work “On the origin of species” he stated that monkeys, apes, and humans must have a common ancestor because of our great similarities compared to other species.
2. We have only five senses.
Well, some scientists insist that we have at least 21 senses including balance, pain, and temperature.
3. If you eat your nails a tree will grow inside your stomach.
I think most have us have heard this lie by our parents a million times during our childhood whenever we used to chew our nails, so that we stop our bad habit of eating nails.
4. Complan increases height.
No, No, No it doesn’t. But you can still drink it if plain milk sounds boring to you.
5. Bulls hate red.
Hmmm, ever ran away from a Bull because you were wearing red? Well, I did many times. But, Bulls are actually color blind. It’s not the color red. They actually perceive the motions of bullfighters cloth as a threat.
Well, those were the 5 lies that I grew up believing are true. I hope you could relate to some of them. Also, if there are any more lies that you always thought are true until now, do share them with me.
Bye, bye till the next time. Stay safe, stay happy, and stay positive.
Nice 👌
Thank you 🤗🤗
Like!! I blog frequently and I really thank you for your content. The article has truly peaked my interest.
So interesting! Truths debunked haha I too thought bulls dislike red! I also think the idea of us having more than 5 senses it’s so fascinating, in school I loved learning about pain, temperature, and balance and how we perceive them. They really are like senses! Thanks for sharing
Yes. Thank you 🤗🤗
Yep I definitely believed these too. Also that eating carrots will help you see in the dark and eating crusts of your bread will make your hair curly?
Oh I never heard about these one.😳
Such an interesting post! The one about senses I think is so interesting I hadn’t considered that things such as balance or temperature are a sense but of course that makes sense!
Yes, that’s true!!
Very good read !!! Very interesting
Aww, thank you 🤗
This is a great post! Love these things!
Thank you so much💝
Oh it’s not true that bulls hate red! Lol. Nice post and i think there’s more.
Yeah, it’s not true. Thank you 🤗🤗
Great post! I used to think that it was illegal to turn on the interior car lights lol
Really this is most interesting contents
Thank you 😊
Wow, I never knew about either the number of senses or the bull stuff!
Yeah, there are so many things we still believe that are not true!!
Hahaha great post, it made me laugh a lot! The nails thing actually never really made sense to me, but I can’t say I haven’t been scared when I saw a bull when I was wearing red 😂
Yes, so true. I still am scared of the bulls when I wear red.
Great post! It’s always very interesting the types of things we grow up believing without questioning it.
Yeah, innocent us.😝
Very nice article…. Waiting for your next article…
Aww, thank you 😊
Interesting food for thought! I am curious your first hand experience with the bulls. Did you grow up on a farm? Or do the infamous running of the bulls? Oh my! At any rate, I shall take your word for it. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Hehe, well at my place bulls can be found easily on streets.😬
Interesting post! I had never heard about 3 and 4 before today. I had heard similar ones, but not that. Also, not sure if you ever saw the Rugrats cartoons, but since I was younger (because of that show) I used to think if you swallowed seeds, they would grow inside you haha I think they say that about watermelon seeds. Thank you for sharing.
Grislean | gemlesschosen.com
Yes, they do say that about watermelon seeds.😝
Great post. You right so well.
And what????? Bulls are color blind? My childhood has been shaken.
Thanks for sharing 🤗
Lol I believed all these things too myself.. loved it throughout, thanks for putting it out!
Hehe. So glad to know that you liked it. Thank you so much.